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TPA81 Thermal Sensor
The TPA81 connects to the PIC16F877 using the I2C bus. This example displays theambient temperature and 8 temperatures from thermal sensor, on an LCD03 moduleand drives a servo.

Download the TPA81PicBasic.PBP file

SD20 Servo Controller
This example shows how to drive a servo by usingthe SD20 chip, you can control up to 20 servo's.

Picbasic Pro Examples

Download the SD20PicBasic.PBP file

SD21 Servo Controller
The SD21 is a ready wired module which can save a lot of time compared to theSD20 above. This example moves all servos through their maximum range.

Download the SD21PicBasic.PBP file

MD03 24V 20A Motor Driver
This example runs the motor forwards and backwards, displaying thetemperature and motor current on the LCD03.

Download the MD03PicBasic.PBP file

MD22 24V 5A MotorDriver
This example runs the motors forwards and backwards.

Download the MD22PicBasic.PBP file

MD25 RD02 MotorController
This example drives the RD02 motors and displays the encoder values on the LCD03in hex format, as well as the batteryvoltage. It runs the motors back and forth between 2 values output by theencoders.

Download the MD25PicBasic.PBP file

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RLY08 Relay Module
Example of switching all the relays on and then off, and then turning them onand off individually.

Picbasic Pro Examples

Download the RLY08PicBasic.PBP file